Web design

Romane Larrieux

The Getxent teams, specialists in dog detection, wanted to improve their website. On the agenda: a mobile-responsive site, two new sections, redesign of several pages and resolution of a few bugs....

The Getxent teams, specialists in dog detection, wanted to improve their website. On the agenda: a mobile-responsive site, two new sections, redesign of several pages and resolution of a few bugs....

Bénédicte is one of my favorite customers. She's a warm, bubbly woman with a great project that I really enjoyed getting involved in. Bénédicte entrusted me with the creation of her website, logo, flyers and business cards....

Based in Mexico, Fabien teaches French to Spanish speakers and needed a complete overhaul of his website. In fact, he had created his website himself with the help of a semi-professional developer, which led to a number of problems and bugs....

For their website, the Association des Résidents de Vars wanted a sophisticated corporate site with a clear user path. I designed a website with a color palette to match their association, and added several photo galleries, documents and information, as well as...

For their website, Claudine & Laurent wanted a very simple yet colorful, clear and intuitive style. I designed a fluid user path for them, imagining a color palette in keeping with their business (a clementine orchard in the heart of Corsica)...

A desire? A new project? Now's the time to take the plunge!